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Today’s Events!

*Triple Champ Spawn at noon and 7pm daily
*2 Town Invasions Daily – Random Times
*2 Non-PVP Champion Spawns daily
*2 Single PVP Champion Spawns Daily!
*New Player Event
*Grand Auction 3rd Sunday of each month at noon cst
*Watch for staff events announced in-game daily

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UO Evolution – Armageddon Day!

Happy Armageddon Day!

I didn’t mean to scare you with the ominous title! This is actually a joyous announcement!

I was reminded today that is has been exactly 365 days since the “Evil Developer/Kia Car Salesman” was defeated! It is truly wonderful to see the land and it’s community continue to prosper since his demise!

I want to take a moment to thank our developer, Kane for all of his super tech skills and dedication to UO Evolution, not just in the recovery of the shard, but in his continued development of the content each week that is second to none! Take a moment to review all of the new content in Dev Logs and you will appreciate all the incredible changes he has made this year!

As stated by the wise player Loial, “This shard and staff really is better than the original!”

The staff really does take pride in being the #1 Custom Ultima Online Freeshard! We also realize much of the success of the shard comes from the community support of this project and we could not do it without you all!

Last month we hit 368 players online for the auction which was a new, all-time player online record! I expect we will see close to 400 online for the Memorial Day/Armageddon Weekend events and auction!

Join us for a fun-filled weekend with all your friends on UO Evolution!

Upcoming Events this weekend!

Friday: Armageddon Weekend Events
Saturday: Pet Wars at noon CST
Sunday: Grand Auction at noon CST
Monday: Memorial Day Events

If you would like to post something nice to Kane or any of the other staff, please take the time to write an appreciative comment on the forum, for all of the hard work they have done this year!

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