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>>>Legend of the Evolution Artifacts<<<

>>>Legend of the Evolution Items<<<

During a recent excavation in the Stygian Abyss, several diggers discovered these strange items that seemed to pulse with energy. Upon their return to Luna, several leaders of the Order Of Mages were called in to determine the properties of these unique items. It was discovered that each item had the ability to learn from every encounter it faced and that that knowledge allowed it to evolve into a more powerful artifact.

Some of the vendors in Luna heard about this discovery and smuggled the items from the Luna Vendor Vault and are now selling them, keep your eyes open, if the artifacts are being sold, there are sure to be limited quantities!

Every Evolution artifact gains experience from attacking and killing. You can keep track of how many experience points and the new attributes your weapon has by hovering your mouse over it in your paperdoll. The number in () next to the name is how many experience points the weapon has. The Evolution items can be obtained from doing the Peerless Monsters Quest

>>>Special Evolution Items<<<

There are currently 3 items in game that also have this ability to level

>Evolution Cloak

>Evolution Ring

>Evolution Earrings

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